1. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels,
  2. And prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven.

Revelation 12

The sky of Heaven encountered night. The armies of Lucifer scattered throughout the expanse as endless stars of utter pitch, glowing each of shadow. Swords forged from the steel of the outer darkness hummed a soulless moan, burning with the cold, black flames of the unholy. At the heights of the sprawling masses of darkness, the vast and intricate chaos of demons hovering, the scales of the cataclysmic dragon, shone in shade the darkest: the first angel, grinning an obscene grin at all he had done, the swarms of angels he had turned. The first night there ever had been in the higher realm, the first of vacuum, the first of evil, the first and last War in Heaven.

The armies of light, the angels of Michael, circumscribed the Throne of God in rings of the holy glow, ready to surrender nothing to legions of the eclipse. The circles of angels in unerring structure, with haloed faces grave and sober, held each his own echo of the Grand Design within his adamant portrait. Arrayed in grand architectures as sunlight streaming out, from the core towards the peripheries the greatest to the least, at the center where stood the Throne, and the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Michael the archangel knelt in prayer before the face of God. It had already been told. The darkness would fall by their hands. This was the beginning, and this was the end--the War in Heaven held its breath, ready to exhale its thunder. And this was not the beginning, and this was not the end. The end, the true end, is written in the Word of God as the Apocalypse to come, and the beginning…the beginning of the first created being has never been told, for in the beginning the sons of Heaven rejoiced when God made the stars, and the sun, and the sky, and the ground, and the beasts, and the first man. The first created was Lucifer, son of the morning….

The moment of creation to the one created is like emerging from that space outside your field of vision, and suddenly being able to see. That is what is remembered about it--the suddenness of being alive, the first breath of the air out of which you came. That is an angel's birth. Michael and the other archangels were lifted into existence soon following Lucifer, the light giver, light bringer, the shining one. Would that you had not fallen, o son of the morning. On the right hand of God you would have been an invincible sword. You would have been the guardian of Paradise. Now your name in the darkest spheres of the world rues the world its light. In the beginning it was different.

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