In the beginning was light, for God is light, and before there was any created thing, before there was time itself, God was. And before any thing was, there was love, for God is love. And God created things before there were any ones to behold them: He created His Throne, and it can be said that all Heaven was created, for Heaven is His Throne, and all there was was light, and all there was was love, for all of Heaven is light, and all of Heaven is love. Within His presense, he created the first, and the first was perfect in His sight--He named him Lucifer, Light Bringer, for he was the bringer of light from the first, for Heaven was brighter in his creation. He was the archseraph, the first prince of Heaven.
The seven seraphs were created afterwards: Michael, Who is as God; Gabriel, God is my Strength; Raphael, God has Healed; Uriel, Fire of God; Raguel, Friend of God; and Araqael; and Remiel. And all the other angels were created, each in his place within the intricate vaults of the holy architecture of the all, from greatest to least, as was pleasing to the eyes of God. And the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit were One, with one mind and one heart, and He beheld the multitudes of angels spread across the panorama of light and love which was Heaven, and He was pleased in His work, for it was good. But Lucifer was the first, and all there had been in Heaven before the other ones were were God the Trinity, and Lucifer, the first prince. And there was nothing but light, and nothing but love.
All the angels, from greatest to least, stood before the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit and they saw the face of God, and they praised His name, and they praised His glory. For seven years without cease they praised His name, and they praised His glory, and from then, each in turn were given quests to fulfill within the panorama of Heaven. And closest to the Trinity was Lucifer, the first angel, the first being beside God, who never left the face of God. It is known by Him, Who has counted the very hairs on your head, the first instance of the faintest blemish within the soul of Lucifer, within the eye of the archseraph. No others could see it--it was a tiny thing, this sin called pride. Lucifer stood on the brink of the hand of power from the very first; he looked down at the multitudes of angels as they were being formed from the air--each in his turn, from greatest to least--and all, he knew, were lesser than he. There were many days when Lucifer was the perfection that God made him, many quests in which he met victory within the vaults of the holy architecture of the all, and none are remembered. For all that Lucifer became was the fall.