What does he dream, now? He must dream, even angels dream...does he imagine the panorama of Heaven, ever, even now? It is not like here, but I must make you understand. There are no mountains, no rivers, no clouds, no sky. There is no gold, no silver, no rubies, no diamonds. There is no death. Heaven is of the unseen. Heaven is of the spirit. And yet, I must say these things of Heaven:

In Heaven there are mountains higher than can be climbed in a hundred years. In Heaven rivers run whose roar could deafen the mightiest steed. The sky of Heaven is the colors of perpetual sunset--hues of shy magenta, gold, silver, and azure--while in the full bloom of perpetual noon, lit by the presense of God. The fields of Heaven span a million acres each, with flowers more intricate than a thousand constellations.

This is how I must speak of Heaven to you, for there are no words on earth to say what Heaven is, except that all of Heaven is light, and all of Heaven is love, and that is not enough. Earth is merely God's footstool, and the glory of Heaven--which is God's Throne--cannot be described in two mere words, no matter how apt. So when I say to you, "Michael ate bread", recall what I say to you now, that there is no bread in Heaven (closer to the truth, I could say, "Michael ate a book", but that is only confusing), but I say it to you so that you may understand. God willing, one day you will enter the "Pearly Gates" and see for yourself what I mean.

One thing I will keep is that there are no beasts in Heaven, except such things as Zoa, which are much like angels. They are holy beasts. There is no such thing, for instance, as a pet dog. I apologize to you who have lost pets throughout your lives and expect to see them when you die--they're not there. They are truly gone. You must understand that man (and woman) only was made in the image of God, for he (and she) has a soul. Merely relate to this news thus: when an animal, say a beloved pet, dies, one says, "That's sad." If, on the other hand, a neighbor's child should die, you might rather say, "That's tragic." There is so much the more potential to a human being, and such much lower depths that a human being may go with a soul. I will not say more about what Heaven is like except that you discover it in the story, and I will not say what angels are like except that I introduce them to you. Now, we are ready to begin.

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